Limited Assurance Report of the Independent Auditor regarding the Combined Separate Non-Financial Report1

To the Supervisory Board of Aurubis AG, Hamburg.

We have performed an independent limited assurance engagement on the Combined Separate Non-Financial Report (hereinafter “Report”) of Aurubis AG, Hamburg and the Group (hereinafter “Aurubis”), which has been qualified as part of the Combined Separate Non-Financial Report (hereinafter “Report”) by reference, according to Sections 315b and 315c in conjunction with 289b to 289e HGB (German Commercial Code) for the business year from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.

Management’s Responsibility

The legal representatives of the entity are responsible for the preparation of the Report in accordance with Sections 315b and 315c in conjunction with 289b to 289e HGB.

This responsibility of the legal representatives includes the selection and application of appropriate methods to prepare the Report and the use of assumptions and estimates for individual disclosures which are reasonable under the given circumstances. Furthermore, this responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining systems and processes relevant for the preparation of the Report in a way that is free of – intended or unintended – material misstatements.

Independence and Quality Assurance on the Part of the Auditing Firm

We are independent from the entity in accordance with the requirements of independence and quality assurance set out in legal provisions and professional pronouncements and have fulfilled our additional professional obligations in accordance with these requirements.

Our audit firm applies the national statutory provisions and professional pronouncements for quality assurance, in particular the Professional Code for German Public Auditors and Chartered Accountants (in Germany) and the quality assurance standard of the German Institute of Public Auditors (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer, IDW) regarding quality assurance requirements in audit practice (IDW QS 1).

Practitioner’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Report based on our work performed within our limited assurance engagement.

We conducted our work in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised): “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” published by IAASB. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the assurance engagement to obtain limited assurance of whether any matters have come to our attention that cause us to believe that the Report of the entity has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Sections 315b and 315c in conjunction with 289b to 289e HGB. We do not, however, provide a separate conclusion for each disclosure. In a limited assurance engagement the evidence gathering procedures are more limited than in a reasonable assurance engagement and therefore less assurance is obtained than in a reasonable assurance engagement. The choice of audit procedures is subject to the auditor’s own judgement.

Within the scope of our engagement, we performed amongst others the following procedures: 

  • Inquiries of personnel on the corporate level, who are ­responsible for the materiality analysis, in order to gain an understanding of the processes for determining material ­sustainability topics and respective reporting boundaries of Aurubis
  • A risk analysis, including a media search, to identify relevant information on Aurubis sustainability performance in the reporting period
  • Evaluation of the design and implementation of the systems and processes for determining, processing and monitoring of disclosures relating to environmental, employee and social matters, respect for human rights, and combating corruption and bribery, including the consolidation of the data
  • Inquiries of personnel on the corporate level who are ­responsible for determining disclosures on concepts, due ­diligence processes, results and risks, for conducting internal controls and consolidation of the disclosures
  • Evaluation of selected internal and external documentation
  • Analytical evaluation of data and trends of quantitative ­disclosures, which are submitted by all sites for consolidation on the group level
  • Assessment of the overall presentation of the disclosures


Based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Report of Aurubis, for the business year from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Sections 315b and 315c in conjunction with 289b to 289e HGB. 

Restriction of Use/Clause on General Engagement Terms

This assurance report is issued for the purposes of the Supervisory Board of Aurubis, Hamburg, only. We assume no responsibility with regard to any third parties.

Our assignment for the Supervisory Board of Aurubis, Hamburg and professional liability is governed by the General Engagement Terms for Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditors) and Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften (German Public Audit Firms) (Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften) in the version dated January 1, 2017 By reading and using the information contained in this assurance report, each recipient confirms having taken note of provisions of the General Engagement Terms (including the limitation of our liability for negligence to EUR 4 million as stipulated in No. 9) and accepts the validity of the General Engagement Terms with respect to us.

Hamburg, November 23, 2018


Laue                                ppa. Mathias

(German Public Auditor)

1 Our engagement applied to the German version of the Report. This text is a translation of the  Independent Assurance Report issued in German, whereas the German text is authoritative.